The Underdog Games offers an unbeatable fundraising solution for primary schools in Ireland!
Raise thousands of euro!
Provide a memorable day for the children!
Promote school spirit and raise excitement!
Bring together the parents and wider community!
ZERO work for School Staff!
What is an Underdog Games Fun-Fair?
The Underdog Games Fun-Fair is an exciting one-day event, designed to thoroughly entertain children while raising much needed capital for your school!
Our Fun-Fairs takes place in independent venues, typically on a Saturday or Sunday, and are operated by The Underdog Games staff in collaboration with volunteers from the school's Parents Association.
The Fairs are jam-packed with thrilling activities; including 15+ exciting games, bouncy castles, surprise events and a large multi-prize raffle!
Popcorn, candy floss, ice cream, soft drinks and other delicious treats are available at every Fair.
One local school only is invited to attend the Fun-Fair and the vast majority of the profits are donated to that school!
All upfront costs associated with the event are covered by The Underdog Games, including full insurance cover. This means no risk or stress for the schools. The Fair is clearly marketed as an Independent Event meaning no liability on the school.
Each school can choose to have as little or as much involvement in their Fun-Fair as they wish. The Underdog Games are happy to take care of everything!
Therefore, no work is required by any member of the school staff and yet the school itself will raise thousands of euro!
Yes! It's that EASY!
Bouncy Castles





Simple Process from Start to Finish!
Free Consult
We provide a free consultation visit, where one of our Operations Managers meets with the Principal / Parents Association and runs through a fully tailored Fun-Fair, comprising of revenue, structure etc.
Finalise details
If the Principal and PA is satisfied to proceed with the event, and a date is finalised, we provide the school with Promotional Booklets for each child to take home, Admission and Raffle tickets to sell and a sample consent letter for parents/guardians to sign.
We Get to Work!
The Underdog Games work tirelessly to plan the perfect Fun-Fair for your school - taking care of all aspects! This includes acquisition of staff and sponsorship, insurance, equipment rental, raffle prizes, advertising materials etc.
The Big Day!
When the big day finally arrives, the volunteers from the PA work with The Underdog Games staff to supervise the event and make sure the children experience an unforgettable day!
The Underdog Games Fun-Fair is the perfect fundraiser for your school. Fun, easy and effective!
Check out below to see how much money you could raise!
Average Amount Raised
Promotional Booklets
- Sponsorship from local businesses, organisations and politicians
Based on school size of 300 pupils
Ticket Admissions
- €10 per child to attend the Fun-Fair
Tickets bought from school
(85% predicted attendance = 255 pupils)
- Candy Floss, Popcorn, Soft Drinks and Tea/Coffee
(€5 av. per child + parents = 410 persons)
- 6-7 prizes worth €250
Tickets bought at school prior to Fair
(€3 av. per child)
Total Income
The Underdog Games Fee
- Fee includes all expenses associated with the event:
Design + Print of Promotional Booklets (€400)
Rent of Facilities (€200)
Raffle Prizes (€250)
Food/Drink Ingredients (€250)
Poster & Banners (€200)
Staff for event (€200)
Equipment Rental (€300)
Insurance and Utilities
Total Expenses
Payable AFTER the event - No upfront cost!
€4000 profit with only 255 students!
The above example shows what is possible with an Underdog Games Fun-Fair!
Thousands of euro for your school but none of the workload!
It really is the best fundraiser on the market!